Popular education (Free topic)

Hi! I like to talk about something that calls my attention some time ago and that's pedagogy. There's so many pedagogies with different names and with different focusings, but all ones that I'm interested are no formals. There's caos pedagogy, corporal pedagogy, pedagogy of the differences, of uncertainty, of death, etc. and I think there are so many ways of learn about the world, life, nature, people, feelings and everything you can imagine that to be honest I think and feel that it's ridiculous that the formal education system offers and force us to follow only one.
I don't know if the educational branches that I mentioned before are really within what we call popular education, but I do locate them there, and I'll talk a little about Popular education. This is a critical pedagogical current of  the social sciences, that arises in the 60s in Brazil whose main exponent is Paulo Freire, who's contributions are studied until today. proposes that learning is not something that is delivered from one person to another but is built collectively throght the concrete reality of people and the own experience. But, ¿Why the knowledge is so important? tintintintin! because it is a release tool to the oppressed social sector. Well, that's a little intro of  pedagogies, I hope that, if you are interested, will find out more or, if you want, you can ask me for material.


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