
Violeta Bustamante Oliveros was born on 12th, 2000 in Santiago, Chile, in a hospital in commune of Puente Alto. In elementary school, she studied in "Las Cruces" School near to the beach, later she moved to Santiago and studied in "Mary and George School". She did her high school in Lyceum 1 "Javiera Carrera" and she is currently in her first year in University of Chile in the social work career. Her mother is Fabiola, a historian and massage therapist of 37 years old, her father is a geometry engineer of 37 years old too and her has a 8 years old little brother. Her hobbies are circus, sing, read books, write about her feelings, walk, watch series, etc. Actually she participate in a territorial feminist coommitte and she would like do a social proyect of education with the popular sectors to vindicate them.


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