The history of this picture

The history of this picture is about a travel we (me and 2 friends) do in the summer, January 3th, to be exact. We wake up very early and sleepy, we meet at the bus terminal and went to Valparaiso, on the bus we entertained listening to music and reading books, also putting on make up, like shining things. When we arrive to the port we bought the tickets to return and start to we started to cross the hills and enjoy the sun and the wind, taking pictures, laughing, joking and stroking soft cats and soft dogs everywhere, in fact I almost brought a cat to Santiago. We found really nice things, like a community garden and a lot of murals and graffitis. We walked until we were hungry, and we went down "to the plane" and ate cheese empanadas with a great source of french fries, after that we continue our way, but this time to Viña del Mar (or vineyard from the sea, or whatever), we stopped a bus and one of my friends yelled at the driver "hey master, you go to Viña?!", the driver say “yes” so we get on. When we arrive to Viña we put music on a speaker and we sang along the waterfront, sometimes we also danced, we go down to the beach, we wet our feet, we ate cherries, played in the sand and listened to a song called “Venceremos”. It was a good day although we were sunburned.  


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