
I would like go to Brazil, because is a contry with a nice weather (warm and rainy at the same time), with beautiful beaches, landscapes and very effusive people. I traveled to Brazil in 2017 and I like it so much, I would love come back, even if there's don't speak spanish. I know of this country that is a place avant-gard in social and intelectual movements, like reconceptualization of the discipline of social work and critical pedagogy, that is to say, popular education, whose most recognized exponent is Paulo Freire, who was born in Sao Paulo. About what I would like to do there, three things mainly: tour places, meet people, especially people who actively participate in social movements or popular educators, and finally, know the calls "favelas". I really don't know if I like live or study there, maybe yes, maybe not, I'm a little scared of the fascist force. Also, after social outburst and later revolt I want to stay to build projects in Chile or other places in Latin America.


  1. Apparently you have several political-social reasons to travel to Brazil. I hope you can visit that beautiful country again very soon!


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