Quarantine (free topic 2)

Hi, as the title says, I will talk about quarantine, or rather, about the things I miss of the exterior world.
When the quarantine starts I din't pay so much attention, in the sense that it didn't bother me being at home, 'cause, despite I didn't want to stay in home in that moment I think "calm down, it will be just 14 days". Well, all we know, 3 months later, that it was wrong, and I'm worried about all the things that are happening, and the things that will happen. I think the crisis is going to deepen and the truth,  it scares me. So, I am going to name simple and more or less diary things that I liked to do to don't think about it (and don't think about the anxiety, sadness and anger that I feel to be studying in the middle of a global pandemic. Yes, I'm talking to you "University of Chile").
Well, here I go: I really miss riding a bicycle with my partner, laughing, and talking about the houses, the lights, the smells, the feelings that produce in us the wind in our faces or the songs we used to sing. I miss so much go to eat fries potatoes or sit in the grass, I miss the sunlight in my skin and can go out when I want to, I miss traveling by bus and walking for the Alameda street, I miss the social revolt so much that the other day I saw a video with music and images of it and I cried. I miss my grandmother, and I want hug her and eat with her at the table and also with my great uncle. I would love to be able to repeat that day we went to the hill with friends and paint our bodies.
Sometimes I feel a little selfish complaining about banal things like what I mentioned when there's hungry people, or worse, people dying, but I understand that I feel guilty don't change that reality, and miss all those things it's not wrong, it's just human.


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