"La Jauría"

Hi everyone, today I have a new topic about I want to talk.
Since a few weeks, at the beggining of July, it was transmitted a new tv serie called "La Jauría", a chilean production with many recognized chilean actors and actresses and musicalizated by Ana Tijoux, who also act in some scenes. This show narrates a history in the present, about a disappearance of Blanca Ibarra, a young female and feminist leader of 17 years old, student of a catholic school of the high class in the middle of a feminist demonstration against a teacher who abused her students. Hours after of her loss, it's published a video where appear Blanca being rape by 4 men, this trigger a searching by Police of Investigations of Chile for the location of this girl.
Sincerely, I like the serie, in fact, I did a marathon of "La Jauría", I played chapter after chapter after chapter (there's 8 in total), I needed to know what will happen.

But, also I criticize the production because even if show a hard reality about a gender violence, patriarchy, machismo or male chauvinism in acts or speeches that I think are very good represented, still is the reality of the high class and it's produce and act by persons that belong to this social stratum and I say this 'cause this serie isn't just broadcast in Chile but in the world, showing once again the rich people lifes without leaving space to other people who are underrepresented. Also, to finish, we have never ever seen to the police move like that for no missed woman and so less for a poor one. Anyway I invite you to see "La Jauría" and form your own opinion of this tv serie.



  1. Hi, buddy! I agree with you, I also saw "la jauria" and found it a very shocking series. recounts a very cruel reality, and it is great that finally the issues of male violence are being documented

  2. I saw the series with my family and found it super strong, but I used a lot to be able to teach my little sister about the dangers that are on the internet and also in life.

  3. "La Jauría" is a very good tv show and that represents what women constantly experience in this system. However, I share your opinion: it reiterates the overexposure of the affluent situation in which the richest people live, leaving the poor people of the country below.

  4. OMG!!! I have watched and it's a really good serie. it approached feminism so well. there are very few series that address a critique of patriarchal violence


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