My future job (or something like that)

Hi, I'll talk about what I want to do as job in the future. Well, the truth is I'm not sure. At start I want be sociologist, later I start study social work in the university with the idea of change to sociology career but finally I decided to stay in my actual career, but sincerely I'm not convinced to want exercise as social worker, it's a constant vocational crisis. Sometimes I feel I want to stop studing this and others I think that the solution is continue and blend this discipline with pedagogy and psicoeducation.
I've spoken in other blogs about critical pedagogy and popular education, I think, in this moment, that I would like my future "job" will be popular educator and mix that with psicoeducation focused in children and youth people, sometimes I think I want to do that in Santiago and others I think I like to do in Valparaiso or southern towns. There's so many thing I want to do and 'cause that I don't really think about a more specific job but things I want to learn and of that knowledge invent something. As example of that I think my dream "job" would be have a cofe that at the same time be a cultural house with a popular library and plant a communinity garden. Maybe I deviated a bit from the topic but I feel that more than something defined I have many ideas that are mutating.


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