Postgraduate Course

Hi people, today I'm talk about a postgraduate course.
I'm not sure about want to do that, or continue studying in the institutionality, but if I do I think it will be a course of pedagogy, psychology or something that considers both together (psyco-education), there are areas that calls my attention and impotant to the comprehensive development of people and can do life better, not just individual but collective so I would like to work on it, also they are necessary for social work, which is the career I study actually, they would be a usefull tools, maybe I would like. I would like to give classes and workshops on these topics too, like more face to face with people, not just write academic papers. I would like exercise with children preferably, but I wouldn't dislike working with other age groups.
I don't really know if the postgrades I'm interested are taught in Chile, and I like to study in other country anyway, although I admit study far of the people I love and of all I know scares me a little, but in the moment I hope I can decide the best thing and follow my wishes. 
To finish this blog and regarding the modality, hopefully part-time, in this way I can work or participate in other things or projects.


  1. I think the psychology involved in the learning process it's really amazing, I study psychology and we learn about allong the carrer, but I don't think we have anything that really goes deep into the pedagogic part of the proces, it focuses more on the psychology development, but it would be super interesting learn more deeply about the relation between psycology and pedagogy


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